When Does the Sorrow End - Victor Grant

Victor Grant
Victor Grant
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When Does the Sorrow End
‘When Does the Sorrow End’ outlines most definitely the constitution of the American dream. It is a suspenseful thriller about a character of the name of Pat Motley. The aforementioned embarks upon an escapade from New York City and lands in Key Cone Island one dark night. It seems as though the main character has entered upon a different world. Through his saturated eyes is witnessed beauty in a heretofore remote place. Wafted by a fast wind, Motley enters upon another island, smaller than the former, yet infinitely more mysterious. The novel expands upon the perceptions and feelings of the main character. It includes poetry, outlining the poetic passions of the protagonist and through his opalescent gaze retrieves the glamor in which to coat life.

Generally, the glamor of New York is expressed through the vision of a worldly youth, as well as the belief that the city could resurrect forgotten dreams. It is seen in the reflections of its mystery and majesty and remains a continual reminder for Motley that life could be exceedingly good throughout the time he spends on the deserted island located on a tangent from Key Cone Island. What he witnesses there changes his life and by the ending of the book, the world. It has been a worthwhile venture into the depths of sorrow, after-all.
When Pat Motley returns to New York at the final chapter of the novel he is able to interpret the reality in which he appears in a lighter and finer manner and embrace the horizons of life and love with indefinite gratitude. His life undergoes a bouleversement alongside his perceptions. His pilgrimage has lent him a knowledge of the meaning of the importance and effectiveness of everything he had heretofore left unnoticed.

Finally, the crest of his adolescent development rests upon the waters of Niagara Falls, viewing the scenery from a small boat, hand in hand with a very important and lovely person and witnessing the following remark, ‘It is as though a thousand diamonds are falling from the sky.’
© Victor Grant.
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